319 S Sharon Amity Rd #120 Charlotte, NC 28211


Separation and Divorce

Deciding to end a marriage is incredibly difficult, and yet that is only the beginning of many tough decisions.  Most people do not know how to separate peacefully and in a way that is the least disruptive for the children, even though this is the goal of most people facing divorce.  Many people think they need to separate first, and then go find an attorney.  Most are surprised to learn that an experienced collaborative attorney can help reduce the stress for everyone even before the parties have separated.

If you are thinking about separation, now is a good time to learn about the collaborative process and how it can help you make good decisions for yourself and your family.  If you already have separated, it is never too late to learn about the collaborative divorce process.  Heidi Risser can help make the process of separation and divorce less hostile and more peaceful.

Heidi offers support and guidance to clients going throughout the divorce process. She listens to her clients and helps them to navigate the process of divorce in a dignified way.

Heidi is an experienced negotiator who maximizes the goals of her clients, while productively working with other attorneys and their clients.

To learn more or to schedule a consultation with Heidi, please visit the Home page.  To reach out to Heidi directly, go to the Contact page.