It can be shocking to see two people who were deliriously happy in their marriage file for divorce. Sadly, this is an occurrence that happens all too often, leaving people wondering what went wrong. But divorce does not just happen. Often, several events will precede...
Most families can find a solution to their family law issues with some professional guidance.
A skilled Parent Coordinator can help you and your former spouse learn the skills necessary to successfully co-parenting after divorce.
Through 4-way meetings and a commitment to explore solutions tailored to your family’s needs, you can stay out of court.
We like to give clients very personal attention and work closely with you to listen to your goals and needs.
Many people believe there is a “magic age” at which children can choose which parent they live with or whether they visit a parent at all. The perceived age ranges from twelve to fifteen. People think, “By fifteen, certainly my child can choose not to see my ex,...
The Collaborative method of resolving family law matters is very different from litigation. First, the Collaborative method involves signing a Collaborative Agreement. In the Collaborative Agreement, both parties and their collaborative attorneys agree to share...
Ketan Soni poses at the NCDRC Up and Coming Mediator Award ceremony in Raleigh. I am so proud of my fellow mediation trainer, Ketan Soni. He has just won the first annual Up and Coming Mediator Award presented by the North Carolina Dispute Resolution Commission...
On October 26th, Mark Riopel, Ketan Soni and I finished up our first 40-hour Mediation Training class. We had a terrific class of attendees. All of us worked very hard over a two-week period. The moral and enthusiasm of the attendees remained high, even after four...
I was asked by my friend, Sandra Lee, to record two podcasts for her business—Emerge Victorious. Sandra is a well-respected Divorce Coach and Mediator in our community, so I was delighted that she asked me. I recorded two episodes for Emerge Victorious: the first...